The Fascinating World Of MONSTERCOOLER®
The MONSTER COOLER ® (Lat. MONSTRUM POCULUM) is part of the breed of KEEPUS COLDUS or short KEEDUS m.n. It mostly prefers to inhabit tropical climate with sandy or rocky shores where it takes advantage of easy access to land and water. Rare sightings let us believe that it roams as an individual or in larger packs of 6 up to 24. |
The main captured MONSTRUM POCULUM are stallions since their thicker skin is favored in temperature regulation and their comparable little brain makes them an easy target. Capturing MONSTRUM POCULUA mare is inherently difficult and not advised since their hormonal makeshift extrudes toxic properties in self defense. |
CHARACTERISTICS : Paradoxical to its appearance MONSTRUM POCULUM are very lightweight. Its endomorphic body, little legs and unfit aerodynamic seem contradictory to its weight, but with only 4 oz they get more economical the more heavily loaded they are, which doesn’t make any sense in terms of energetics. But here we are! They have been documented to carry up to 4 times their body weight and love doing so. Their thermo regulating EVA blubber skin has low thermal conductivity and has been found to not only be unique in the world of KEEDUS m.n’s but also quite unique to be found anywhere in our solar system. They are incredibly strong swimmers, with powerful webbed feet, and have been known to hunt in long stretches of water. |
HUNTING LAWS AND REGULATIONS: No hunting license or permit is required. MONSTRUM POCULUM is the only known species to be hunted year around. |
HANDLING AND DOMESTICATION: Once tamed it prefers the attention of one single individual (n.b. attachment raising ) but enjoys people and large crowds once it establishes a secure connection to its human. It’s wise and advised to keep an close eye on your MOSTER. Due to its extreme popularity kidnappings and hold for ransom have been reported. |
ACTIONS: The goal is to raise the stallion MONSTRUM POCULUM catch number. Implementing the raising of the male MONSTRUM POCULUM catch number is one of the best way to keep a healthy breeding female population. Once reaching maturity removing stallions out of their natural habitat improves MONSTRUM POCULUA supply since male stallions tend to kill the existing young once they reach adolescence |